KKN Speaks/The new official «Family Ideology» in Norway

The new official «Family Ideology» in Norway

Jan-Aage Torp
November 05, 2018
The new official «Family Ideology» in Norway

Here is a new advertisement by Bufatet (=Barnevernet), Fri Trondheim (=Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity), Spiren (=fertility clinic), and Adopsjonsforum, promoted by Pride (=the LGBTI-movement), stating:

«How to become a family? Do you dream of establishing a family but do not know how? Welcome to a course on family».

Bufetat recruits foster homes, and one of their teasers is to indicate that foster care can lead to permanent adoption - by LGBTI-homes, and regular homes.

This destructive «Family Ideology» in Norway is accepted and promoted by every political party in Parliament, including the Christian Democrats (KrF). They have simply redefined what «family» is....

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