Frequently Asked Questions

KKN Media

Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about KKN.

When was KKN founded?

Kristen Koalisjon Norge (KKN) was founded by some enthusiasts on April 21st, 1993 in Oslo, Norway.

What is KKN?

KKN is a popular movement that is based on Judeo-Christian foundations. We seek to mobilize values-based Christians, as well as people with similar values, unto involvement to build Norway and other nations on Christian faith and ethics. We do this through shaping public opinion, by facilitating activism in the political processes and vis-a-vis societal institutions, by follow-up of our legal rights, and by rallying for the work of prayer. Through KKN we seek to serve Norway and the nations of Europe and the world.

KKN furthers the interests of all faith communities

KKN works to achieve equal treatment by the State of all faith communities, both legally and in practical matters. Our experience is that all faith communities in Norway, both Christian and other religions, have the best conditions when Norway´s Christian foundations are acknowledged. KKN facilitates good relationships of cooperation between faith communities which are based in both Norwegian and foreign faiths. Christianity´s inherent values and foundations are humanism, dignity of human life, rule of law, democracy, freedom of faith, and the family - which ensure harmony and well-being in Norway.

KKN is a consultative body

KKN has since its establishment been a consultative body in Norway for both Stortinget (Parliament), the Government, as well as state and non-state entities, and since 2016 we function in the same way towards international entities such as UN organizations, the Council of Europe, as well as regional and national bodies.

KKN´s board, committees and affiliation

KKN´s board appoints national and international committees, panels or individuals that perform special tasks. We encourage all our representatives to live by the following ideals in the spirit of Hans Nielsen Hauge: «I and everyone who participates should commit to being faithful, working diligently, living austerely, rather giving to others than being lazy and enjoying themselves» (Hans Nielsen Hauge, «Christendommens Lærdoms Grunde», first and second booklet, 1800). KKN is affiliated with the movement European Apostolic Leaders (EAL).

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